Bill Clinton’s lonely, one-man effort to win white working-class voters

Bill Clinton stood before an audience of blue-collar workers in Lansing, Mich., two days before the presidential election and told them he understood and empathized with the economic frustrations of the working class. There’s a lot of road rage out there because after the financial crash, it took a long time before incomes started going up again. There are still some families that if you adjust for inflation, their incomes are about what they were the last day I was president more than 15 years ago and their costs are going up. And that’s really tough, the former president drawled as he campaigned on behalf of his wife, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. So when you get up every morning, and you look in the mirror and you don’t think you’ve got the power to make tomorrow better than today, that’s a pretty tough load to carry, he told an audience that included union laborers.

Source: Bill Clinton’s lonely, one-man effort to win white working-class voters | Washington Examiner

